Transparency Portal

Information on contracts

  Contractor Profile

Cartagena Port of Cultures is an organization belonging to the Hon. City of Cartagena, with full legal capacity to act within the limits established by its statutes, its instructions Contracting and laws.

In accordance with Article 3 of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, Cartagena Port of Cultures is part of the public sector, being considered a contracting authority, so it is necessary to adapt their recruitment processes to the new regulatory framework, distinguishing this effect between contracts subject to harmonized regulation and contracts not subject to harmonized regulation.

  Hiring instruction Cartagena Puerto de Culturas SA (PDF - 301,98 KB - Fecha de revisión: 29/12/2022)


Cartagena Port of Cultures periodically publishes lists of technical and administrative conditions for hiring services of assistance:

21-06-2018 Administrative and technical specifications for the procurement of "EXECUTION PROJECT FOR MUSEOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT OF THE ROMAN FORUM MUSEUM OF MOLINETE. CARTAGENA"

  Pliego ejecución museografía Museo Foro Romano Molinete (PDF - 485,43 KB - Fecha de revisión: 10/07/2018)

  Adjudicación museografía Museo Foro Romano (PDF - 228,18 KB - Fecha de revisión: 15/04/2019)

26-05-2017 Advertisement for hiring the "Execution of works of archaeological excavation in the lower and upper terraces of the Forum Cologne. Sectors 3-4: Forum Cologne ".

  Pliego Contratación Obras Excavación (26/05/2017) (PDF - 1,02 MB - Fecha de revisión: 20/11/2017)

  Adjudicación Obras Aqueológicas Foro (16/06/2017) (PDF - 557,42 KB - Fecha de revisión: 20/11/2017)

26-05-2017 Ad for hiring AID TECHNICAL DIRECTION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL "Archaeological excavation project in the lower and upper terraces of the Forum Cologne. Sectors 3-4: Forum Cologne ".

  Pliego Contratación Ayudante (26/05/2017) (PDF - 984,35 KB - Fecha de revisión: 20/11/2017)

  Adjudicación Ayudante Arqueología (16/06/2017) (PDF - 561,55 KB - Fecha de revisión: 20/11/2017)

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